Sometimes we just overdo it. The holidays have become a free-for-all when it comes to food, drink, sleep (not enough) and exercise (none).
• Start your day with warm water and juice of ½ a fresh lemon. This will help support your liver and it does its job of detoxification and help your digestive system.
• Drink lots of water, 8-10 glasses, especially if alcohol was part of the overindulgence.
• Go for a walk. Grab your phone and put on your favourite music, audiobook or podcast (some of my favourites: Primal Potential, The Keto Diet Podcast, Dishing Up Nutrition, Nutrition Diva- sensing a trend here?). Walk. Fast or slow, just MOVE. Get your heart pumping and your blood flowing.
• Don’t skip meals just because you ate too much yesterday. Instead, feed your body some super-healthy nutrients with lots of veggies. Your breakfast should be something nutritious like sautéed veggies with eggs and healthy fats (olive oil, avocado, coconut oil). Avoid the typical carb-laden breakfast like toast, pancakes, oatmeal, cereal.