(updated December 2019)
Ohhhh….I don’t feel so good….plop, plop, fizz, fizz…oh what a relief it is….(did you catch that reference?)

Sometimes we just overdo it. The holidays have become a free-for-all when it comes to food, drink, sleep (not enough) and exercise (none).


Sugar. It tastes soooo good. Cookies, chocolates, candy, cakes…yummy, and full of sugar…and it’s next to impossible to stop at just one serving.
Or maybe it was too much food in general over the last few days or weeks of the holiday season. Perhaps it was too much booze.
Over-consuming can leave us feeling guilty, bloated or just plain blah…and the fact that our pants fit a little tighter today is a constant reminder of our not-so-great choices (as is the headache, fatigue, and brain fog).
A few tips about what to do now:

• Start your day with warm water and juice of ½ a fresh lemon. This will help support your liver and it does its job of detoxification and help your digestive system.


• Drink lots of water, 8-10 glasses, especially if alcohol was part of the overindulgence.


• Go for a walk. Grab your phone and put on your favourite music, audiobook or podcast (some of my favourites: Primal Potential, The Keto Diet Podcast, Dishing Up Nutrition, Nutrition Diva- sensing a trend here?). Walk. Fast or slow, just MOVE. Get your heart pumping and your blood flowing.


• Don’t skip meals just because you ate too much yesterday. Instead, feed your body some super-healthy nutrients with lots of veggies. Your breakfast should be something nutritious like sautéed veggies with eggs and healthy fats (olive oil, avocado, coconut oil). Avoid the typical carb-laden breakfast like toast, pancakes, oatmeal, cereal.


If you’d like more breakfast ideas, subscribe and receive my Better Breakfast recipe book.
See the next post: More Overindulgence Recovery Tips for more great information about recovery from overindulgence!