Welcome to Ep. #11: Check In, Warm Weather Hygge and a Surprise for Sarah

In this episode, Sarah and Paulette do a check in… Sarah shares about her 30 day yoga journey and how it helped her back pain, we discuss Summer Hygge ideas to help you feel cozy and relaxed in the summer heat, and Paulette has a surprise for Sarah!

Join us as we discuss why you don’t have to break a sweat to get in shape, why ‘getting off track’ towards your health goal is actually a good thing, why Paulette’s mug is NOT boring….and how Paulette and Sarah found themselves needing to dye ribbon and design their own paper… intrigued? We thought so…

Don’t miss this fun episode with lots of empowering ideas and strategies to help you reach your health goals.


Mentioned in the episode:

Sarah’s Borrowed Mug

Paulette’s ‘Boring’ Mug (Paulette doesn’t think so)

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Click this link to see how you can work with me! https://paulettekydd.com/programs/


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