Welcome to our (mostly) unscripted and unedited podcast! (for now, it’s called: So I Was Listening To This Podcast The Other Day….)

We are the food-loving Sister-In-Law Duo Paulette Kydd, Registered Holistic Nutritionist and Sarah Kydd, teacher and ‘guinea pig’.

We love discussing ideas and all things related to health, including mindset, self-care, nutrition.

Join us as we share coffee, laughs, recipes and random thoughts tossed in for good measure.

You’ll leave each conversation feeling motivated and with actionable strategies that you can use right away to improve your health and help you stop feeling fat, foggy, and fatigued.

In this first episode, we tell the story of our first (very awkward) weekend together and how it was the start of an unlikely and unexpected friendship.

We share how we have both benefited from changing the way we eat and live, and how we help other women do the same thing without following some strict diet or giving up their favourite foods.

If you’re a woman over 35 who is sick and tired of feeling fat, foggy and fatigued (or know someone who is!)… this podcast is for you!


Check out Episode #1: Stop Feeling Fat, Foggy and Fatigued: No-Fuss, Bite-Sized Steps to Better Health

We’re on Youtube and on Spotify