Your mind is a powerful tool. It can determine your success when trying to eat well and live a healthy lifestyle. In most cases, YOU have control over what you eat or don’t eat.
When faced with the delicious temptations that will surely be placed in front of you over the next week, be MINDFUL.
Don’t just pick up that chocolate/cookie/candy and put it in your mouth. THINK about it…DECIDE whether or not you want to eat it…imagine how will you FEEL after you eat it, both physically and emotionally. If you decide that you’re OK with that, then go ahead and eat it! ENJOY it!
But, if you aren’t OK with how you imagine you’ll feel after eating it, then keep THAT feeling in your mind, and it will help you to MOVE AWAY FROM THE (insert name of mouth-watering seduction of your choice)!
Use your POWERFUL mind to PROGRESS towards SUCCESS!
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