Are you still counting calories? How’s that working?

If it’s working…great!
But what if I told you there’s an easier way??

Imagine what it would be like to eat delicious food until you’re full, and not worry about keeping track of how many calories you’ve just eaten.

Imagine what it would be like to not have to measure your servings so that you’re fitting into your daily calorie allotment.

Imagine not feeling guilty because you’ve eaten more than you’re ‘allowed’…. because you were still hungry after lunch.

Imagine NOT restricting your calories.

When you eat healthy fats and fewer carbohydrates, you will feel satiated and your cravings will disappear. When you pay attention to how you feel, eat when you’re hungry and STOP when you’re full, your appetite will be regulated. If you counted your calories at the same time (not necessary), you would find that many days you’d actually be eating fewer calories that you are ‘allowed’. On some days, you’d be eating more.

But it’s ok. It all balances out. By paying attention to what your body needs instead of just paying attention to calories, you can lose fat without depriving yourself.

Without the annoyance of keeping track of every calorie you eat.


Stop counting calories

The key is eating a high-fat low carb way. You need healthy fats to nourish and to satisfy your appetite, and you need to reduce carbs to balance your blood sugar and get rid of the cravings.

By the way…if you’re simply counting calories and not paying attention to how you’re nourishing your body, you may be losing weight according to the scale but you might not just be losing FAT. You might also be losing muscle. That’s not a good thing. But that’s another story…


Salad versus Doughnut

Calorie counting is not going to help you….take a 200 calorie salad versus a 200 doughnut. Same number of calories but your body will deal with them very differently.

The sugar in the doughnut (from the sugar and the wheat which breaks down into sugar) will quickly spike your blood sugar, tell your pancreas to release insulin to usher the sugar into the cells and then lead to low blood sugar. Any sugar that your body doesn’t need for energy right away will be stored in the muscles and liver but once they are full (it doesn’t take much) the rest is stored as FAT!
AND…the low blood sugar you’re now experiencing will cause you to crave more carbohydrates as your body tries to get more sugar into the bloodstream as quickly as possible. Your energy will plummet in the meantime.
On the other hand, that 200 calorie salad will NOT spike your blood sugar or cause much insulin release. Your blood sugar will be stable…your body won’t cause you to crave carbs in order to get more fuel. You won’t have that energy crash. In addition to this, you’re giving your body nutrients that it needs including vitamins, minerals, fibre, and water.
Same number of calories…totally different effect on the body!

One more thing…
Do you know what triggers your body to STORE fat instead of BURN fat??

Do you know how to limit the insulin roaming around your bloodstream?

For now, just do this. Change what you eat for breakfast.

Instead of oatmeal, toast or cereal, try fat and protein.

Get some great ideas in my Better Breakfast Book.