What good are older people anyway? (You might be wondering why this nutritionist is writing about seniors. Keep reading. I’ll explain.)

They’re not contributing members to society, they cost our medical system lots of money and they drive too slow.

Is this what you think?? None of it is true. I mean, those ‘complaints’ could apply to certain members of ANY age group, not just seniors.

It’s all in your perspective.


The true measure of any society can be found in how it treats its most vulnerable members. -Gandhi


This powerful statement is true both of society and individuals. We form opinions of others based, in part, on how they treat the vulnerable. The vulnerable could be children, developmentally delayed, sick or elderly.

We wouldn’t make fun of a child for making a mistake or a sick person because they were walking too slowly. Why is it ok to ridicule seniors? Why is it ok to make fun of memory loss or ‘seniors’ moments’? IT’S NOT OK.

Why do I care?

I am a Nutritionist, but I am also a Music Therapist, and I work with seniors.

Over the last 20 years, I’ve had the absolute privilege of getting to know 100’s of older people in a music therapy setting. I’ve heard many touching stories about their lives, about their loved ones, about their amazing accomplishments, about the kindnesses they have bestowed upon others, about their regrets and about their advice for leading a good life.

Each of them has a story.
Each of them is important to someone.
Each of them is entitled to respect.

The Vulnerable

They don’t deserve to be ridiculed or treated poorly either face to face or behind their backs just because they move too slowly … or are forgetful … or mix things up … or need extra help with tasks of daily living.

They don’t deserve to be taken advantage of in any way.
They don’t deserve to be rushed or physically abused for any reason.
This applies to any vulnerable person, whether it is a child, someone with physical or mental disability, someone with a terminal illness…or an elderly person.

That vulnerable senior will be your parents/aunts/uncles/friends someday.
That vulnerable person will be YOU someday.
We all wish to be protected when we’re vulnerable.
We should all advocate for this. For everyone.

Each of us lives an imperfect life but nevertheless has the right to be valued …. accepted…treasured.

Change your perspective

Listen to your elders. Enjoy the stories of their youth. Learn from them. Honour them. Assist them.

October 1st is National Seniors Day.

Show your respect and gratitude for the elders in your life.
Remember, that will be you someday.


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