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Introducing the “Excuse Busters” Mini-Series! 🎉 

Join us for our special mini-series: 5 episodes jam-packed with awesome insights. We’re going to tackle those pesky excuses that prevent you from staying consistent in your healthy eating and lifestyle habits.

Each episode of “Excuse Busters” will unveil a different excuse and give you practical strategies to overcome it. 

PART 1: I’m too busy

In Part 1, we’re addressing the excuse  “I’m too busy’… to eat healthy, to cook healthy food, to exercise, etc. Let’s face it… life is busy. As soon as one thing finishes, there are 10 more things ready to take its place. It’s not going to change any time soon, and in the meantime, your health and waistline are suffering the consequences of your excuses!

We’re here to show you that nothing can stand in your way… listen/watch now to see how you can bust through this excuse once and for all. 🎙️💪

You can watch this episode (and others) on Youtube

You can listen to this episode and others on Spotify

Mentioned in this episode:

Sarah’s Blue Speckled Mug

Paulette’s Blue Mindful Moments Mug

Here are a couple of recipes that will help you bust the ‘I don’t have time’ excuse!

Sheet Pan Chicken and Veggies

Smoothie Recipe (we didn’t mention this specific recipe but it’s one of my favourites for you to try!)

Ep. #7: Part 2 ‘my family won’t eat what I’m eating (and I don’t want to make multiple meals)’

Here, in Part 2, we dive into the common excuse of not sticking to YOUR healthy eating plan because of family preferences. We share our favorite tips and tricks to overcome this challenge while still enjoying nutritious meals.

*Sarah also realizes at some point during the episode that her drinking glass has a chip in it, and the glass is in her mouth 😲 but she tries not to draw attention to it

We share smart solutions to simplify meal preparation without compromising anyone’s preferences, including our favourite lower carb substitutes for pasta and bread that are so delicious, your family might just want to eat what you’re eating!

Of course we believe that it’s important to occasionally indulge in personal favorites because sometimes you just want to eat the greasy, delicious pizza that the rest of your family eating. And that’s ok!!

Throughout the episode, they celebrate the benefits of investing in an air fryer, which enables faster cooking and tastier results. It proves to be a game-changer for preparing delicious and healthy meals without much effort.

By incorporating a little creativity and the strategies we offer, you can bust the excuse of multiple meals and enjoy nutritious dishes that satisfy everyone at the table.


Watch us on Youtube

Listen on Spotify

Mentioned in this episode:

Sarah’s Fish Glass: https://paulettekydd.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/podcast/sarah+fish+glass+ep+7.png

Paulette’s Favourite Kid Mug: https://paulettekydd.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/podcast/Favourite+kid+mug+ep+7.png


Ep. #8: Part 3: You’re telling me not to eat apples???

In this episode, we’re tackling the controversial topic of whether a lower carb diet is truly healthy. We understand that some of you may have concerns about avoiding certain high-sugar, high-starch fruits and veggies. But fear not, because we’re here to provide clarity on the matter!

Let’s shift our focus away from what we can’t eat and instead embrace the wide variety of delicious foods that align with a lower carb lifestyle. The key is finding the right balance and timing.

By being mindful of high-carb foods, especially in the morning when our body’s response to carbohydrates is more sensitive, we can maintain stable blood sugar levels and avoid unpleasant spikes. Pairing carbs with protein or fat can also make a significant difference in how our bodies process them.

Trust us, it’s all about finding the sweet spot.

And while we’re at it, we’ll share some of our favourite ways to enjoy healthy foods including a surprising way to prepare cauliflower.

So, grab your favourite mug, brew a cup of deliciousness, and get ready to challenge misconceptions, shift perspectives, and uncover the secrets of timing and pairing in a lower carb lifestyle. Cheers to healthy eating and breaking free from limitations!

Watch us on Youtube

Listen on Spotify


Mentioned in this episode:

Pu’erh Tea: https://www.davidstea.com/ca_en/tea/tea-by-type/puerh-tea/

Sarah’s Mug: https://paulettekydd.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/podcast/ep+8+Sarah.png

Paulette’s Mug: https://paulettekydd.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/podcast/ep+8+paulette.png


Ep. #9: Part 4: ‘I can’t give up my bread/pasta/rice!’

Are you hesitant to embark on a healthier, lower carb diet because the mere thought of saying goodbye to your beloved pasta, rice, bread, and baked goods fills you with dread?

Fear not, dear listener, for in this episode, we share our own transformational experiences:  how our taste buds changed, how we began to crave healthier foods (yep, it happens!!) and  how we discovered delicious alternatives that not only satisfied our cravings but surpassed our wildest expectations.

Prepare to be inspired as we debunk the notion that change means sacrificing flavour and indulgence.

Join us as we explore the vast array of innovative ingredients and cooking techniques that will make your healthy eating a breeze. Our hope is to ignite a spark of possibility within you, proving that embracing change is not only possible, but fun and delicious too.

Get inspired, get excited, and get ready to revolutionize your relationship with healthy, metabolism-friendly food!


Watch us on Youtube

Listen on Spotify

See all the items mentioned in this episode here: https://paulettekydd.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/podcast/All+the+fun+stuff+from+Episode+9.pdf

Ep. #10: Series: Excuse Busters Part 5 ‘It’s too expensive to eat healthy!’

 In this episode, #5 in the series, we tackle the excuse ‘it’s too expensive to eat healthy’… and while it IS true that the cost of food keeps going up… there are ways to make your dollar go further.

We do a price comparison of typical meals, healthy and not-so-healthy, as well as the non-money costs of junk food that might change your perspective.

Join us as we put healthy eating on a budget to the test and decide for yourself if eating healthy is too expensive… it’s your choice!

Watch us on Youtube

Listen on Spotify 

Mentioned in this episode:

Sarah’s Teal Mason Jar Mug

Paulette’s Cupcake Mason Jar Mug

Want more help with your health and wellness journey?

Check out my website to see how you can work with me!

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