Eating With People Who Don’t See Eye to Eye with You….


Maybe you don’t want to offend the cook. Or maybe you don’t want to explain for the 110th time why you choose not to eat bread or pasta…or dessert. Do people give you a hard time when you say you eat Keto diet? How do you eat High Fat Low Carb in public, with people that don’t understand?


I think it’s easier for me in these situations simply because I’m a nutritionist. People are interested in why I eat the way I eat but they don’t often challenge me, perhaps because they figure I have done my research. Or maybe because even though they may have a strong opinion about why Keto or Low Carb is bad, they really don’t have much to back it up, and realize that I probably do 🙂


Why Such a Strong Reaction?


Most people don’t fully understand the science behind Keto or Low Carb diets or how they can be done in a healthy way. Furthermore, they may be swayed by media that dramatizes the potential side effects when these ways of eating are not done in a healthful way (i.e. with low carb foods devoid of nutrition or high-fat foods made of the wrong kinds of fats).

There’s also a very real possibility that who ever is giving you a hard time is actually feeling guilty about the way they choose to eat or their lack of willingness to make healthy choices…and you get to be on the receiving end of that guilt (cue the ridicule and the ‘challenge’ questions).

This can lead to some uncomfortable discussions and leaving you in the position of defending your choices once again. OR, you decide to pretend that you eat like everyone else and just fill your plate with carbs.




Here are a few strategies for you to use if you’re eating with others who may not understand:

  • If you’re going to someone’s house for dinner, let them know well in advance what your food preferences are and offer to bring a delicious item that everyone can enjoy but that fits your way of eating. That way you know there’s at least one item you’ll feel good eating. Make it something substantial like a casserole that you really enjoy. I like this Bacon Cheeseburger Casserole recipe. Or you could try Reuben Meatballs with Cabbage which can be baked ahead and warmed up in a casserole dish.


  • Don’t feel the need to justify the way you eat. Simply say that you feel better and have more energy when you avoid ‘items x, y, z’ and since you want to enjoy the rest of the evening and have enough energy to provide captivating conversation later on, you’re going to stick to your plan.
  • You can always blame it on me….’my nutritionist says that I need to eat this way in order to keep my blood sugar balanced and maintain my good health….she gets really mad at me if I don’t listen to her’.



WHAT are you eating?


  • Often times it’s the ‘HIGH FAT’ part of the High Fat Low Carb way of eating that triggers a strong response from others. Just tell them that you eat Low Carb. Somehow that seems less controversial and you won’t need to explain any further.


  • Unbalanced blood sugar can cause mood swings and ‘hangry’ behaviour. You don’t want to be responsible for what might happen in your host’s home if you eat that bread/pasta/potato. Really, you’re improving the social environment of your get together by avoiding carbs 🙂
  • You can offer to educate them on the health benefits of a High Fat Low Carb lifestyle, either until you change their minds or drive them crazy enough that they back down.
  • Or simply decide that you don’t care what other people think. You know what you need. There is no perfect way of eating that works for everyone but if a High Fat Low Carb way of eating helps you feel better, have more energy, ditch the cravings, lose fat and think more clearly, then eat that way and be proud of it. Be a good role model and eat your olive oil by the spoonful, right at the dinner table 🙂
  • If you decide that you really want to have a piece of cake/bread/chocolate…do it. But do it mindfully, not impulsively. Take a moment and think about it. Are you willing to not feel so great later? Is it something that you will REALLY enjoy? Do you actually want it (or are you just ‘joining the crowd’)? Yes? DECIDE to eat it. Enjoy it. Savour it. Maybe don’t eat a double portion of it 🙂 DON’T FEEL GUILTY about it.


In addition to those tips, choose unbreaded protein (chicken, fish, beef, pork, eggs), cheese, non-starchy vegetables, olive oil, butter, olives, avocado and avoid rice, pasta, bread, potatoes, and other starchy vegetables. Drink water, sparkling water, coffee or tea. If you choose alcohol, drink it in moderation and stick to dry wine, gin or vodka for the lowest carb content.


If all else fails, get new friends and family who support your choices 🙂 Just kidding. Invite them to try a challenge. 5 days of eating a low carb breakfast…..or send them to me and I’ll do my best to convert them.


You might also be interested in: Cravings: Why Willpower Isn’t Enough, or Moving Outside My Comfort Zone