Why is that morning bowl of cereal making you exhausted and fat?!?

After sleeping all night, your blood sugar is low due to the fact that you haven’t eaten for several hours (basically you’ve been fasting).

When you BREAK this FAST and eat a typical high carb breakfast, your body ‘overreacts’ and releases a larger than normal amount of insulin to usher the glucose from the carbs into your cells.

Since you don’t really need all of this energy right now (unless you’re exercising right afterwards), your body will just store it in your liver and muscles, and then the rest as FAT.

This results in your blood sugar dropping, but quickly and too much, and then your body signals you to eat again to get the blood sugar up.


WHAT DO YOU THINK IT TELLS YOU TO EAT?? Carbs…yes…the fastest way to get blood sugar up again!


This act of eating a high carb breakfast (toast, oatmeal, cereal, pancakes- doesn’t matter if it’s made with white flour or whole grain) sets you up for a cycle of overeating, cravings for carbs, low energy and foggy thinking.


Of course, if you’re exercising in the morning, this is a different story. Your body will use that glucose and you’re much less likely to store it as fat. That’s a discussion for another time…

So get out your Better Breakfast recipe book and make a high fat low carb breakfast choice instead. Don’t have it? Get it HERE
See also: Better Breakfast: Part 1, Part 2,  Part 3,  Part 4